Thursday 10 January 2013

Week.....Well I've Forgotten

Bit Of A Break

When the routine for Uni finishes for a while it tends to be that people stop whatever they are doing at Uni (in this case blogging) and it seems for me that I have neglected this blog for far too long. Those promised weekly updates turned into bi weekly updates during term time and since the middle of December into complete inactivity.

That is something that I aim to change in the coming weeks, perhaps with the change of the overall focus of the blog into something that excites me more than my bland and boring weeks. I am not sure what this is going to be yet, but I am hoping to feel the inspiration, and come back to you all with an idea within the next week.

Whats Been Going On?

Not a lot has changed really during the time I haven’t been at Uni, Christmas has come and gone as it does every year, and that New Year’s hangover came back again, rearing its ugly head for another showing. Despite personal issues throughout this period I have tried to maintain positivity, as there is nothing overall that I can do to change what has happened. At the end of the day what happened was my own fault and as such I can only sit and hope that nothing else happens, nothing else been done by myself to provoke a reaction, and I sincerely hope that I can come out of this a stronger and better person.

A Hindsight Look

The overall relief when a student loan comes through is something that most students will have felt this January. For me this was a little bit weird.  Not back at University and therefore still under the wing of my parents in terms of what I am able to eat and therefore what is truly brought from the supermarket. With my normal shopping bill reaching no more than £20 for two weeks of ‘nourishing’ shopping, in the form of super noodles and value foods of course, to eat food that tastes fresh and not at all processed was something of a surprise to me at first, but I have grown more and more accustomed to it as the days have worn on.

I’m not sure that I have anything else to report, other than the desire to return to University as soon as I can. Waiting for the proposed trip back in a car on the 20th January is something I look forward to, and perhaps dread at the same time. I don’t think my reaction will be the same one I had during the leaving home in September, but with the extended period off I hope that I have not become to acclimatised to home life, and I am sure that once I get back into the swing of University life I shall realise once again how much I am enjoying it, and what an opportunity it is.

Thanks for reading, and see you on the next one.

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